Wearing Teviron clothes will sometimes produce an improvement reactions

Some people will have an "improvement reaction" after they begin to wear Teviron clothes. It's symptoms differ from person to person. The most common ones are: red and swollen skin, warming, ticklish, dermexanthesis, diarrhea, dizzy, tired, some muscles and so on.

Why is there improvement reaction?
As we know, that the human body is made of cells. To maintain various vital activities, every cell has to keep functioning. When something happens to our bodies and we wear teviron clothes that produce anions in order to help cells get back to a normal operating state, the cells, which have thier original jobs already now have to do an extra job-helping themselves to get back to a normal state.With such a burden, our bodies naturally have an improvement reaction.

The four types of improvement reactions
Apart from the several symptoms mentioned earlier, oberall there are 4 types of improvements reaction:

(1)Slack reaction:
tired, sleepy and low-spirited
If someone has been sick for a long time his body will be used to such a state and to co-existing with the illness. Gradually an abnormal balance forms. This will be broken when anions appear. Inside our bodies, there are a lot of oxigen and other nutrients are used to "re-generate the cells", hence, we will feel tired. and sleepy.

Take those who have liver illness or are used to acting sloely fpr example. Thier bodies have already got used to the slow rhythm. Once this abnormal balance broken, they easily have a slack reaction. But it will gradually disappear after the liver's function restores and goes back to normal.

(2)Allergy reaction:
constipation, diarrhea, pains, swelling and sweating
Normally when our bodies feel sore or we are in pain we usually take medicine or shots to relieve the discomfort. But the illness is still there. medicine is just used to temporarily block the message delivery of the nerves. once our bodies received anions, the metabolism will be enhanced, blood flow will speed up and so all kinds of allergic reaction appear: constipation, diarrhea, pains, swelling and sweating.

Patients of rheumatism, neuodynia and arthrolithiasis all start suffering from acute forms of thier disease. Then the condition gradually becomes chronic, which will form a kind of stable state inside thier bodies after some time. After wearing Teviron clothes, these chronic disease will return thier early acute state. The soreness and pain will even get worse then slowly go back to normal. It's like when a video tape is played to the end. We rewind it, seeing all the scenes again in a reversed way.

In addition, those who have malfunctions in manu parts of thier bodies will have improvement reactions when they first receive anions. First it's the worst affected area in thier bodies. When it improves, the next worst part will be the reaction. So, if you have such a reaction, don't worry. instead, you should feel happy about it.

(3)Excretion reaction:
dermexanthesis, change of urine color and the increase of gas
The frequency of diarrhea and defecation increases which often happens to those who have taken medicine for a long time or have an acidic constitution. Modern people eat and drink too much, and are lacking exercise. These and other factors like pressure or drug abuse often encourage the accumulation of a lot of poison inside thier bodies, which gradually become acidic. The resulting excess of oxygen may lead to cancer, aging, stroke and cardiovascular disease. When being trated with anions, if we find a rash on the skin or some changes happening to our skin or our urine color and gas increases, it means our bodies are discharging the poison and decomposing old, useless waste. There is no need to worry.

(4)Recovery reaction:
sore, throbbing, and pains
It often happens to those who have bad blood circulation, internal extravasated blood and sticky blood. illnes is the result of a death of a great numbers of cells. When receiving anions the cells begin to activate, the acidic poison inside our bodies gradually decomposes and it excreted. Then the blood can be purified, our health can also improved and the cells can regenerate abundantly. At the same time, soreness, throbbing and pain will also appear.These are normal before illness improves. Especially amongst those who have a terminal or serious disease, too many cells may have died and a greater number if cells have to regenerate, which may cause an even stronger reaction.

Niwa Yoshio, a Japanese expert in Ortho-molecular medicine, explains that not everyone will have an improvement reaction. healthy people may not even feel a thing. Those affected are ususally half-healthy ones. But such a reaction is the sign of recovery so we should be happy about it. One thing worth of mentioning here is that this reaction is not a side effect and, once it disappears, we can feel pleasant, energetic and experience an increase in physical strength, as if we were 5-10years younger. These phenomena can all be proved medically. So, if you have adversed reactions like those mentioned above, there is no need to panic. Don't worry and keep wearing it. Then we can recreate a healthy body.

Initial Use Effects - Improvement Reactions

After using Nefful , somehow you will feel the improvements reactions. It's also known as initial use effects. Improvements varies amongst individuals.

During the initial stages, each individual will yield different results. i.e. recovery rate may differ according to an individuals' body condition, which might result in:
  • More ache
  • More pain
  • More numbness
  • Draw out pain
  • More itchy
  • Dizziness
  • Rash heat
  • Cold
  • Fragment urine
  • Urine sweat
  • Breakwind
  • More phlegm
  • Sleepiness
  • Face redness or swelling
  • To suffer from diarrhea
  • Red & swollen skin
  • Tachypnoea
  • Acceleration of heartbeat
  • More secretions
  • Reveal hidden diseases
  • More energetic
  • Reduce depression and radiating vitality
  • Mouth felt dry

Above symptoms may reflect differently between individuals. If above symptoms are not tolerable, stop wearing it until symptoms reduce to a minimum, subsequently wear it till the above described symptoms disappear. At this moment, you are moving towards a healthier body! Wear the clothes continuously and constantly to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Do not worry on the possibility of recurring symptoms mentioned above and continue to use it.

The Teviron clothes have shown no side effect during its 35 years history in Japan. Feel free and save to wear it and as it can improve and maintain your health.

The symptom above using single product are only a direct method. The symptom might be related to other parts of the body and blood circulated on the whole body. It is recommended that the whole set be used as they compliment each other and drink 3000cc of water daily for the optimum results for your body to heal.4. To obtain good health and prevention of diseases, it is never too early to start wearing Teviron clothes.


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